Welcome to our Services page where we showcase our expertise in construction projects. Discover how Andrei's Building & General Costruct can help you with new builds, renovations, and extensions.


With our renovations service, we transform existing spaces into modern and functional areas. Whether it's a kitchen, bathroom, or entire home renovation, we have the skills and experience to deliver exceptional results that exceed your expectations.

When it comes to renovations, our expertise and commitment to exceptional results set us apart. Count on us to transform your space with precision and care.

  • Transformation expertise
  • Exceptional results
  • Customer satisfaction


„Sunt încântat de noul proiect de construcție Andrei's Building & General Costruct finalizat pentru mine. Atenția lor pentru detalii și angajamentul față de calitate sunt de neegalat.”


Meet our team

Toma Andrei
